Avalokiteshvara Long Life Empowerment

Avalokiteshvara Long Life Empowerment

Avalokiteshvara Long Life Empowerment

149 149 people viewed this event.

Don’t miss the chance to join us at Palyul Changchub Dhargyayling Dallas Centre on June 23rd as His Holinesss Gyangkhang Rinpoche visits. Rinpoche will lead 100 deities tsok puja and confer Avalokiteshvara Long Life Empowerment. This rare opportunity promises rare spiritual enlightenment, compassion and transformation. Be part of something extraordinary – join us for this spiritually enriching experience!
尊贵的蒋康仁波切将于6月23日莅临达拉斯白玉中心。仁波切将带领文武百尊荟供以及赐予观音长寿灌 顶。请不要错过这个宝贵的机会。通过此次法会,我们将得到大悲加持和精神成长。敬请加入我们。
100 Deities Tsok & Puja X%£££
Central Standard Time Sunday June 23rd 9am-12pm 中部标准时间 6月23日星期日 上午9点 – 中午12点
Avalokiteshvara Long Life Empowerment
Central Standard Time Sunday June 23rd 1pm
中部标准时间 6月23日星期日下午1

To register for this event <strong>email your details to</strong> <a class="event_registration_email" href="mailto:shresthabhairab@gmail.com?subject=Registration%20via%20%22Avalokiteshvara%20Long%20Life%20Empowerment%22%20listing%20on%20https%3A%2F%2Fpalyuldfw.org">shresthabhairab@gmail.com</a>

Register using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook


Date And Time

2024-06-23 @ 01:00 PM

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