Every Sunday Practices

Every Sunday Practices 11:am to 2:pm
Riwo Sangchö (The Mountains Smoke Offering)

Riwo Sangchö or literally ” Mountain Smoke Offering’, is a terma that was hidden by Guru Rinpoche and revealed in the seventeenth century by the great yogin and Tertön Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé(1597-1653), who bought the Dharma to Sikkim, as part of profound Dharama-cycle of Rigdzin Sokdrup,’ Accomplishing the Life-Force of the Vidyadharas. It can prolong life and remove obstacles,particularly those associated with unpaid karmic debts.

The Mountains Smoke Offering is an instruction taken from Lhatsun’s “Vidyadhara Achievers of Life Force.” To do the practice, gather some auspicious things such as good quality wood, income, medicine, the three white and three sweets substances, flour ,etc. Place them inside a clean container or on a health: light an auspicious fire to burn these substances and sprinkle them with purifying water.


The Practice of Vajrakilaya is famous in the Tibetan Buddhists world as the most powerful for removing obstacles , destroying the forces hostile to compassion and purifying the spiritual pollution so prevalent in this age. The wrathful Heruka Vajrakilaya is the Yidam deity who embodies the enlightened activities of all Buddhas. This manifestation is an intensely wrathful yet compassionate form in order to subjugate the delusion and negativities that can arise as obstacles to the practice of Dharma. Vajrakilaya can be practiced on either the 9th, 19th, or 29th day of the lunar month. Our sangha has been directed to practice Vajrakilaya on the 29th day.

Namcho Daily Practice Guru Yoga The great perfection:Buddha in the palm of the hand
The Namchö(Space Treasure)Dzogchen preliminary practice is called “Buddha in the palm of the Hand.” The terma (treasure revelations) were revealed to Terton(treasure revealer) Migure Dorje from Arya Avalokiteshvara and Guru Rinpoche, and have been passed down from master to student through the centuries. The blessing of the Palyul lineage are pure unbroken. By accomplishing these practice one can realize the nature of mind– an important and necessary foundation for higher Dzogchen practice.The preliminary practice consist of Refuge, Bodhichitta, Offering the Mandals, Vajrasattva and Guru Yoga. Although the Namchö prelimary practice is very deep and profund, it is clear and easy for all to practice.-His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. Nam chö is done as part of daily practice or special scheduled days.

From The Heart Essence Of Longchenpa The Chod Practice The Bellowing Laugh of The Dakini
I prostrate to the queen of space , the lady of great bliss, Yeshë Tsogyal. The true nature, the great perfection, cuts the root of samsara with one stroke, thus it transcends the cutter and the cut. But for those who enjoy elaboration and accomplishing the path of crazy wisdom activity, I will teach the pith instructions for offering one’s body as food.
The articles you need to do are: to overpower the arrogant, a wild animal’s skin with the claws intact. To symbolize the descending view, a small tent, and to show the ascending conduct, a khatvanga. To have authority over the demons, a thighbone trumpet. To overpower appearances, a dhamaru drum. To dominate the hosts of dakinis, have bells, jingle bells and tassels with chevrons made of tiger skin, leopard skin cotton cloth and small plaits of human hair. In brief, to practice the crazy wisdom activity, prepare the necessary, suitable things.
Then, in a sacred power spot, without having an arrogant mind that insults the demons of thoughts of the eight worldly concerns, arouse heroic confidence through the four immeasurables. Whatever appearances arise must be crushed instantly. At the moment, if you don’t use your contemplation to overpower appearances, it is as if spies have intercepted your secret message. Therefore , perform fearless activities with awareness.