Khenpo Sange Rangjung Rinpoche

Summary: Ven. Khenpo Sange Rangjung Rinpoche is a highly respected Buddhist master, scholar, and professor who has dedicated his life to the study, practice, and dissemination of Buddhist teachings. Born in Nepal in 1960, he began his monastic education at the age of 7 and went on to complete his studies at Namdorling Nyingmapa Monastery in India. He holds a Khenpo which is Ph.D. in Buddhist philosophy from Ngagyur Nyingma Institute and has received numerous empowerments, transmissions, and teachings from prominent Buddhist masters. He is the founder and president of Ngagyur Nyingma Palyul Urgen Dorjee Chholing Monastery, Lama School, and Retreat Center in Nepal, as well as several other Buddhist organizations and centers in Nepal and abroad. Khenpo Rinpoche is renowned for his expertise in Buddhist philosophy, Tibetan grammar, and language, and has taught at various institutions, including Ngagyur Nyingma Institute and Shechhen Monastery. He has also authored several books on Buddhism and has traveled extensively to give teachings, perform rituals, and guide meditation retreats worldwide. His contributions to the preservation and propagation of Buddhist teachings, particularly in the Nyingma tradition, are invaluable. His selfless dedication to the welfare of his students, monastic communities, and the broader Buddhist community has earned him great respect and admiration.

Education and Training:

  • Received all major empowerments and transmissions of the Nyingmapa school:
    • Dudjom Tersar from Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche
    • Longchen Nyingthig Yabshi and Nyingma Kama from Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
    • Rinchen Terdzö and Nam Chö from His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche, and other eminent masters
  • Graduated in 1978 from Sarnath after a nine-year curriculum under the guidance of principal teacher Khenpo Palden Sherab
  • Degree: Acharya (teacher or spiritual master)
  • Received the Silver Medal of Honor from His Holiness the Dalai Lama for ranking first in all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism


  • Senior Khenpo (professor) at Nyagyur Institute, Namdroling Palyul Monastery, Bylakuppe, India
  • Invited to teach at Palyul Namdroling Monastery at the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute
  • Enthroned as a Khenpo (professor) in 1983 by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche
  • Main representative for Namdroling Monastery, authorized to teach, confer empowerments, and provide personal instruction in Buddhist practice worldwide
  • Established and guided numerous Palyul Centers globally under enlightened guidance and direction
  • Founded Palyul Changchub Dhargyayling Dallas during the visit to Dallas in 1998


  • Distinguished lama of the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
  • Accomplished Dzogchen master
  • Highly respected and revered teacher of the Palyul/Nyingma lineage
  • Profound level of spiritual attainment and vow maintenance
  • Deep understanding of the Western mind and ability to connect with students at all level