Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche

Education and Training:

  • Received all major empowerments and transmissions of the Nyingmapa school, including Dudjom Tersar, Longchen Nyingthig Yabshi, Nyingma Kama, Rinchen Terdzö, and Nam Chö.
  • Studied under esteemed masters such as Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, and Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche.
  • Graduated in 1978 from Sarnath after completing a nine-year curriculum under the guidance of Khenpo Palden Sherab, earning the degree of Acharya (teacher or spiritual master).
  • Received the Silver Medal of Honor from His Holiness the Dalai Lama for ranking first in all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism.


  • Senior Khenpo (professor) at Nyagyur Institute, Namdroling Palyul Monastery in Bylakuppe, India.
  • Enthroned as a Khenpo in 1983 by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche.
  • Selected as the main representative for Namdroling Monastery by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche.
  • Authorized to teach, confer empowerments, and give personal instructions in Buddhist practice worldwide.
  • Established and guided numerous Palyul Centers globally under enlightened guidance and direction.
  • Founded Palyul Changchub Dhargyayling Dallas in 1998 during his visit to Dallas.


  • Distinguished lama of the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Accomplished Dzogchen master.
  • Highly respected and revered teacher of the Palyul/Nyingma lineage.
  • Profound level of accomplishment and impeccability in maintaining vows.
  • Deep understanding of the Western mind and ability to connect with students at all levels.
  • Experienced in teaching, conferring empowerments, and providing personal instructions.